New & different

In the world of exercise, most of us pick one form & stick with it. It becomes easy so we continue & then wonder why we don’t see results. The human body is an amazing machine. It can adapt to the most incredible circumstances, allowing us to survive unbelievable times. It also allows us toContinue reading “New & different”

Childhood Joy

Lately I’ve been put in a lot of scenarios where I am blown away at the difference between a child’s joy and a parent’s indifference. One example, being at the pool yesterday. Listening to the kids play as the parents sit on the side. Who says you have to stop playing at a certain age?Continue reading “Childhood Joy”

No fun allowed

So a few weeks back I had a really awful pain flare up. Since my usual tricks of ice, rest, and lots of biofreeze/icyhot/tiger balm weren’t working, I went for acupuncture. I love acupuncture. It feels like it releases energy out of my body that is otherwise trapped and causing pain. This was my firstContinue reading “No fun allowed”